Callback notifications

Account installed
Account suspended
Account unsuspended
Account terminated
New account request
New hosted account transaction
Account attribute changed request

Account installed


Return fields description

Name Type Description
notification_type text Type of notification
unique_id int Notification uniqueId
account_id text Id of new created account
created datetime Date of request creation
domain text Full domain name
customer_name text Customer full name
customer_email text Customer email
variationid text Id of the variation
account_status constlist Account status (Possible values: a - Active)
login_name text login name which can be used to login to the account
login_pass text loagin password
Example response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <created>2010-08-07 12:15:48</created>
  <customer_name>John Doe</customer_name>

Account suspended

Notification is sent when new account changes its status to suspended. All account activities will be stopped and it won't be accessible via its domain. All requests sent to its domain will be redirected to 'suspended account' page

Return fields description

Name Type Description
notification_type text Type of notification
unique_id int Notification uniqueId
account_id text Id of new created account
created datetime Date of request creation
domain text Full domain name
customer_name text Customer full name
customer_email text Customer email
variationid text Id of the variation
account_status constlist Account status (Possible values: s - Suspended)
suspend_reason_type constlist Suspend reason type (Possible values: bandwidthexceeded - Bandwidth exceeded, licensenotvalid - License is not valid anymore, manual - Manual suspend was requested, notusedfree - Account was unused for 30 days, refund - Account was refunded, transactionsExceeded - Account exceeds transactions limit, accountInactive30Days - Account was unused for 30 days)
suspend_note text Suspend note
Eample response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <created>2010-08-07 12:15:48</created>
  <customer_name>John Doe</customer_name>
  <suspend_note>Manual suspend requested</suspend_note>

Account unsuspended

Notification is sent when new account changes its status back to active from previous suspended status. From this moment the account is fully active again.

Return fields description

Name Type Description
notification_type text Type of notification
unique_id int Notification uniqueId
account_id text Id of new created account
created datetime Date of request creation
domain text Full domain name
customer_name text Customer full name
customer_email text Customer email
variationid text Id of the variation
account_status constlist Account status (Possible values: a - Active)
Eample response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <created>2010-08-07 12:15:48</created>
  <customer_name>John Doe</customer_name>

Account terminated

Notification is sent when new account changes its status to terminated. The account can no longer be unsuspended from this moment. Its DNS record will be deleted.

Return fields description

Name Type Description
notification_type text Type of notification
unique_id int Notification uniqueId
account_id text Id of new created account
created datetime Date of request creation
domain text Full domain name
customer_name text Customer full name
customer_email text Customer email
variationid text Id of the variation
account_status constlist Account status (Possible values: t - Terminated)
Example response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <created>2010-08-07 12:15:48</created>
  <customer_name>John Doe</customer_name>

New account request

Notification is sent when a new request for account creation was called. From this moment the account is registered as waiting for further processing (installation or payment). An "Account installed" notification will be emitted when the account will be fully operational.

Return fields description

Name Type Description
notification_type text Type of notification
unique_id int Notification uniqueId
account_id text Id of new created account
created datetime Date of request creation
domain text Full domain name
customer_name text Customer full name
customer_email text Customer email
variationid text Id of the variation
account_status constlist Account status (Possible values: n - New, c - Waiting for create)
language text Initial language code
Eample response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <created>2010-08-07 12:15:48</created>
  <customer_name>John Doe</customer_name>

New hosted account transaction

Notification is sent when new transaction is created in reseller account. Example: new monthly payment for hosted account, addon activation

Return fields description

Name Type Description
notification_type text Type of notification
unique_id int Notification uniqueId
transaction_type constlist Transaction type (Possible values: HP - Hosted account payment, A - Addon payment)
transaction_amount float Transaction amount
created datetime Transaction created date
transaction_note text Transaction note
account_id text Account identifier
Eample response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
 <created>2009-10-02 22:15:11</created>
 <transaction_note>test transaction</transaction_note>

Account attribute changed request


Return fields description

Name Type Description
notification_type text Type of notification
unique_id int Notification uniqueId
account_id text Id of new created account
created datetime Date of request creation
domain text Full domain name
customer_name text Customer full name
customer_email text Customer email
attribute_name text Attribute name
attribute_value text Attribute value
variationid text Id of the variation
Example response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <created>2010-08-07 12:15:48</created>
  <customer_name>John Doe</customer_name>