How to integrate casino or gaming website

If you have and want to integrate a casino or gaming site, then the requirements on your end are:
1. a thank you page where the successfully registered customer ends up and where the customer's email address (or unique ID your system assigned to him) is available by some variable

2. your system must supports a hook that executes for each player on daily bases. That hook needs to be able to execute an URL (server-2-server call) including the following parameters available by some variable:
-> customer's URL encoded email address (or unique ID your system assigned to him) that was tracked in the thank you page after successful registration
-> the final balance of customer for the particular day (sum of his wins and losses for the particular day)

If the above mentioned requirements are met, then your site/system will work with Post Affiliate Pro this way:
- in the common footer of your website there will be the clicks tracking code that will ensure to track a click and essential cookie created if the customer is referred by an affiliate.
More info about clicks tracking code:

- in the thank you page where the customer is redirected after successful registration there will be a sales tracking code, while into the setData1() parameter of it the customer's email address (or unique id your system assigned to him) will be tracked.
More info about sales tracking code:
At this point, thanks to the "Lifetime commissions" plugin, there will be a lifetime referral relationship created between the customer (his email address or unique id your system assigned to him) and the referring affiliate.

- your system will execute on daily bases (or weekly/monthly bases if that suits you) for each customer a server-to-server call by executing an URL like this one:{amount}&data1={customer identifier}&trackingPassword={your desired password}

What do those variables are supposed to stand for ?
{amount} - the final balance of customer for the particular day (sum of his wins and losses for the particular day)

{customer identifier} - customer's URL encoded email address (or unique id your system assigned to him) that was tracked in the thank you page after successful registration

{your desired password} - this will be kind of a password of yours. That password would be also defined in the 'trackatransaction.php' file as well. This will ensure, that a sale will be tracked only if:
- proper customer identifier is present in the server-to-server call (URL)
- your password is present in the the server-to-server call (URL)

In addition:
- in Post Affiliate Pro the customer registration would be tracked as a $0 transaction (can be also tracked as a 'lead' or 'registration' type of action via the action commission plugin: )

- the daily balance of customer's will be tracked and associated with a different campaign in Post Affiliate Pro where the desired commission structure will be set up. The ID of the campaign will be explicitly set in the php API sale tracking code inside the trackatransaction.php file:
