Multiple currencies

Multiple currencies feature allows you to track sales made in different currencies. This means that during the sale tracking process our software will recompute the cost of the tracked sale automatically to the default system currency. It is important to understand that even with the Multiple currencies feature, you and all your affiliates will still see all your commissions in the system currency. This feature only allows you to register sales made in different currencies and properly recalculate sale value to default system currency so our affiliate tracking software could generate commissions with proper values for such sales.

Activating the feature

The feature has to be activated before it can be used. To activate it, open your merchant panel and go to Configuration -> Features. Click the Activate button next to the Multiple currencies feature. When activated you will have to refresh your merchant panel in your browser.

When the feature is active you will see a new check-box Support multiple currencies in your merchant panel Configuration -> Currency. Enabling it will add a new part of the currency configuration window where you will be able to define additional currencies.

Adding and editing currencies

You can add another currency by clicking the Add currency button. This will add a new line to the multiple currencies grid. Then you can edit the cells in the grid and specify the details of the new currency. After that don't forget to click on Save modified rows button to save the currency changes that you made.

Currency columns description:

Currency code -> make sure you use the official currency code as seen in this list in case you plan to use an automatic rate updater (see paragraph below).
Symbol -> this field represents currency symbol of your defined currency.
Precision -> in this field you can define how are the actual numeric values going to be rounded for this currency.
Where to display -> in this field you can define if the currency symbol is going to be displayed in front of or behind the actual numeric value.
Exchange rate -> is the most important setting of your custom defined currency, it represents the exchange rate that will be used to recalculate tracked values of sales made in this custom currency to the default system currency. As example, lets take the EUR custom currency defined in the screenshot above. Our EUR exchange rate is defined as 1.12308. It means that 1 EUR equals 1.12308 of the system default currency.(In our example USD is the default currency.)

Automatic exchange rate updater

If you are using official currency codes, you can use Automatic exchange rate updater function and our software will update currency exchange rates of your custom defined currencies automatically once per day. This function is based on European Central Bank API service (3rd party). Supported currencies and exact rates can be always found here: 

By clicking on Update currency rates now button at the bottom of currency configuration page, you can update the exchange rates of all your custom defined currencies automatically at that moment.

Owners of standalone Post Affiliate Pro licences installed on their own servers need to have a Cronjob properly configured for their software. Automatic exchange rate function won't work without it! For all our hosted account it will work automatically by default.

Registering sales in different currency

Now that the new currencies were defined and configured in your Post Affiliate Pro merchant panel, we can explain how to tell our software that the tracked order was made in other than default currency. To do that we will have to use an additional parameter in the JavaScript sale tracking code.

Standard sale tracking code example:

<script id="pap_x2s6df8d" src="https://URL_TO_PostAffiliatePro/scripts/trackjs.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var sale = PostAffTracker.createSale();
sale.setProductID('test product');


This code will register a sale with total value of 120.50 USD because USD is set as default currency. If we want to tell the script that the currency of this sale is EUR, we need to add an additional function to this sale tracking code sale.setCurrency('EUR');

After adding it the final script to track the order with total value of 120.50 EUR will look like this:

<script id="pap_x2s6df8d" src="https://URL_TO_PostAffiliatePro/scripts/trackjs.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var sale = PostAffTracker.createSale();
sale.setProductID('test product');


That is all, now when this JavaScript code is dexecuted, it will track a sale with value of 120.50 EUR which is then automatically recomputed to the default system currency (USD) according to the defined exchange rate for EUR currency. So based on our example currency configuration, value of this sale will be: 120.50 x 1.1166(EUR exchange rate) = 134.55 USD. And commission generated by our software will be computed from this USD value.

The currency code you specify in the setCurrency function, must be first defined in merchant panel Configuration -> Currency -> Multiple currencies, otherwise it will be ignored and sale will be tracked as default currency.