Application Settings

How to confirm merchant's banner code

We added this feature into Post Affiliate Network from version due to security reasons. When one of your merchants creates an HTML banner, his code can be dangerous. For example it can contain the code to read cookies, etc… Banner confirmation feature does not allow merchants to use the banner until the network owner approves the HTML code. Merchant will get this info message: Banner code is not confirmed yet. Please contact affiliate manager for confirmation of your banner code. ...

Overview of Post Affiliate Network

In this video, you will gain a fundamental understanding of how the Post Affiliate Network differs from the Post Affiliate Pro. Post Affiliate Network overview Transcript (auto-generated) 0:00 Today, we're going to look at the difference between post affiliate pro and post affiliate network. 0:06 So post affiliate pro is a single merchant solution. 0:09 It's everything you need to run an affiliate program for your company. 0:13 But what if you want to run an affiliate program for multiple ...

How to change campaign owner

Sometimes you may need to change the owner (merchant) of a campaign. Here is the way how to do that: In the network owner (admin) panel navigate to Start -> Campaigns -> Campaign manager. Click edit (pencil icon on the right) on the desired campaign so the 'Edit campaign' window shows up. Select the 'Edit details' tab and scroll down to the 'Campaign account' section. Now click the drop-down button next to the 'account' label to select the desired owner. After this action scroll ...

How to allow to see affiliates in private campaigns

If you are using private campaigns and you want to allow for network merchants to see affiliates in their private campaigns you need to add them privilege read for User in commission group. (In Merchant panel > Tools > Roles). If you want to allow them also to change status or delete affiliates from campaigns, you can add them privilege write and delete for User in commission group.

How to allow to approve/decline transactions for network merchants

If you want to allow to approve or decline pending transactions for network merchants, you can add for network merchants privilege approve_pending and decline_pending for Transaction. (In Merchant panel > Tools > Roles). So merchants can approve or decline only pending transactions. They need to have also read transaction privilege to open screen Commissions.

How to allow to add new merchant into any account

If you want to allow to add new merchant for network merchants, you need to add for network merchants privilege read and add for Merchant. So merchants can see Merchants screen with merchants in same network account. (Tools > Merchants). With these permissions merchant can open window for adding merchants, but he see in Account listbox only own account. You can allow to display there names of all accounts by adding permission read for Account name. For new merchant is needed...