Microsoft IIS - PUT and DELETE API calls doesn't work

If you are using Microsoft IIS server, it's possible that by default it won't accept PUT and DELETE http requests. In that case, you have to allow it (verb parameter) in your web.config file. web.config <add name="php-5.6.30_1" path="*.php" verb="GET,HEAD,POST,PUT,DELETE" modules="FastCgiModule" scriptProcessor="C:\PHP_versioner\5.6N\php-cgi.exe" resourceType="Either" requireAccess="Script" /> <add name="php-5.6.30" path="*.php" verb="GET,HEAD,POST,PUT,DELETE" modules="FastCgiModule...

What is IPN?

Instant Payment Notification (IPN) allows you to automate certain aspects of your business by posting transaction details to your server whenever you receive payment or whenever a status change occurs on a transaction. When used with a credit card or Express Checkout transactions, IPN is not useful to get the status of a payment, but only to get asynchronous notification such as an eCheck clearing or a chargeback. When a customer pays you, payment gateway posts a notification to your server a...

Live Chat and Help Desk for Wordpress

Be available to your customers via Live Chat and provide better customer service with Help Desk integration on your WordPress websites. Great customer service starts with better Help Desk software. What is LiveAgent Help Desk Software LiveAgent is a Help Desk and Live Chat software, that helps you to manage and organise queries and be more available to your customers. Live chat is the fastest way to connect with your customers and reach potential clients in real time. Setup chat for your webs...

How to read network requests in Chrome for new tab or popup window

It would be great to have an option to open automatically Developer tools in Chrome with each new tab or new popup window to read network requests triggered by new tab or popup. This feature is not available in Chrome browsers, but there is partial workaround: To catch all network requests running in Chrome browser simply open new tab and as URL enter: chrome://net-internals/#events Now you will see network traffic coming through all opened tabs or popup windows similar to Developer Tool...

How to delete Mailchimp list members using API v3

One of our team members needed to delete Mailchimp list members signed to the list before given date. It is not possible to do it in Mailchimp user interface, therefore we had to write short PHP script, which calls the Mailchimp API and deletes all list members subscribed into list before defined date. Here is the example: <?php date_default_timezone_set('UTC'); function mailchimpRequest($type, $target, $data = false) { $api = array( 'login' => 'anyuser', 'key' => '27fd0105d2d...