Integration related

Integration with Joomla 3

The plugin will handle synchronization of user signup with your Post Affiliate Pro 4 installation. To develop a new plugin in Joomla we have to create these two main files: pap4.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <extension version="3" type="plugin" group="user"> <name>plg_user_pap4</name> <author>Martin Pullmann</author> <creationDate>January 2013</creationDate> <copyright>(C) 2012 Quality Unit</copyright> <lic...

Integration with Joomla 2.5.X

The plugin will handle the synchronization of user signup with your Post Affiliate Pro 4 installation. To develop a new plugin in Joomla we need to create two files: pap4.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <extension version="2.5" type="plugin" group="user"> <name>User - Post Affiliat Pro signup synchro</name> <author>Martin Pullmann with Brendon Hatcher</author> <creationDate>June 2012</creationDate> <copyright>(C) 2012 Q...

Integration with Joomla 1.5.X and lower

Task - when a user signs up to Joomla, sign them up also to the affiliate system. For this example, we'll use Joomla 1.5.8, and we'll develop a simple Joomla plugin that will call PAP4 API upon user registration in Joomla. To develop a new plugin in Joomla we need to create two files: pap4.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <install version="1.5" type="plugin" group="user" method="upgrade"> <name>User - PAP4 Register</name> <author>Maros Fric</aut...

Add WHMCS clients as affiliates to PAP via API

The following script has to be saved into the 'includes/hooks' directory of your WHMCS installation and it will be executed upon adding a new client. Make sure, that the signup page fields of Post Affiliate Pro are set to optional at Configuration > Affiliate signup > Fields (tab) NOTE: if you wish to recognize the referring affiliate and set him as a parent of the new affiliate you must add a client custom field ( into the re...

WHMCS Integration

Create a file (name it e.g. pap.php) in the /includes/hooks/ directory of your installation of WHMCS and use the following code there. NOTE: Do not forget to follow the instructions in the code below (see them after the double slash // ) in the first few lines. <?php include_once '/PATH_TO_PAP/api/PapApi.class.php'; // Change to correct path add_hook("AfterShoppingCartCheckout",20,"pap_Track",""); add_hook("InvoicePaid",0,"pap_InvoicePaid",""); add_hook("InvoiceUnpaid",0,"pap_InvoiceD...