No requests captured in logs with S2S tracking

In some very rare cases when you wish to integrate with 3rd party networks and use S2S postback ( to communicate information to your Post Affiliate Pro ( (Network ( you might be getting a 200 OK response but you will not see any log about the request neither in Tools->Event logs nor in Tools->Sale requests log. The most probable cause is that the network you are con...

Most common sale/action tracking error messages

This article should serve as a list for all possible messages which we set when a commission should not be saved. You will find those messages while debugging via Tools->Sale requests log screen or via Tools->Event logs. General messages No affiliate recognized! No affiliate was recognized during saving of the commission. Possible reasons: - customer did not click affiliate link - affiliate link wasn't correct - no click tracking code on landing page - fraud protection blocked click sa...

Sales are not tracked, what is wrong?

If your Post Affiliate Pro does not track sales, then please check, if you have inserted the sale tracking code into your "thank you page". The code should be inserted somewhere between HTML tags <body> and </body>. Some exact points to follow are listed here: My sale tracking code is OK, but sales are not tracked You have probably forgotten to insert the click tracking code into the landing page...

Why are commissions not being tracked ?

"I did a transaction on my website, but the commission was not tracked by PAP and I cannot see it in the commissions report. What may be wrong and how can I fix it?" 1. The software is not integrated with your website, shopping cart, or payment system. It means that you did not insert the integration code into the sale confirmation (thank you) page or the code is incorrect, or the click tracking code is missing at your landing page. Solution: You should follow the steps of the integration me...

Why does the DirectLink tracking not work?

To understand why DirectLink tracking might not work it is essential to understand how the DirectLink tracking actually works. DirectLink tracking is designed for affiliates who have their own websites and it basically allows these affiliates to use simple links without any affiliate parameters pointing to your website on their websites. So let's say you have an affiliate who owns a website where this affiliate wants to promote your website. The affiliate can add myaffil...

The commission is saved properly but has wrong value

If you are able to track the sale/lead commission, but it has a wrong value, there can be few problems. * check your commission settings - "fixed cost" means the value is subtracted from the original total cost, and then the commission is computed (so the final commission is different than the expected one) * "Top Level Affiliate Commission" plugin activated (or any other plugin) can cause this confusion too... it gives % commission to top level affiliate * check your sale tracking code ...

How to make sure CloudFlare's Rocket Loader ignores your tracking scripts

If you are using CloudFlare, especially their Rocket Loader javascript loader it is likely that you are having problems with your Post Affiliate click or sale tracking javascripts. Fortunately there is a way to make sure that your tracking scripts aren't processed by Rocket Loader. According to CloudFlare's support documentation ( it is enough to add data-cfasync="false"...