
Articles in this section will explain how to debug tracking problems with your Post Affiliate and will help you find out what can be wrong. In the articles describing how to debug a code we are going to use Firefox browser with Firebug extension installed although the process is similar with any browser which has developer tools option. There are 3 types of tracking in Post Affiliate Pro: * Impression tracking - when a banner is displayed. Here is how to debug it (https://support.qualityun...

Integration check (clicks, sales)

The purpose of this article is to explain how to test if your tracking is working and it also serves as a crossroad to all the different articles explaining in detail how to debug problems with tracking. So it is meant as your starting point in case of any tracking related problems. First please read the following important knowledge: We need to take into account that if your installation is running with cron job (https://support.qualityunit.com/888288-What-is-the-Cron-job-for) then it takes 2-...

Impression tracking

First of all it is important to understand how exactly are the impressions tracked. Impressions are tracked only for those banners which include the impression tracker tag which basically is a simple html <img> tag with src set to /scripts/imp.php file of your Post Affiliate Pro installation. Unfortunately it might not be as easy as that since from version there is an option to hash the tracking script names so it doesn't have to necessarily be imp.php but it can be a bunch of ra...

Click tracking

It is important to understand how exactly are clicks tracked in Post Affiliate Pro. There are 5 different linking methods (https://support.qualityunit.com/077408-Tracking-settings) which all track a bit differently so lets work through and explain each of them. Standard links (redirect links) these links look like: URL_TO_PostAffiliatePro/scripts/click.php?a_aid=refid&a_bid=73d672s1 and the tracking happens when the link is clicked and the request goes to click.php script. The script loo...

Quick debugging with Sale requests log

Since version (https://dev.postaffiliatepro.com/all/) of Post Affiliate Pro we have added a useful new option which you can find in your merchant panel under Tools->Sale requests log. The screenshot below shows you an example of how this feature works and why is it useful. How does it work? Every time some sale tracking code is executed using: - HTML pixel (https://support.qualityunit.com/687297-Pixel-tracking-HTML-image) - direct call to sale.php/postback (https://support...

Sale tracking

The topic of debugging sale / [action tracking](https://www.postaffiliatepro.com/features/commission-per-action/) requests is quite extensive since there are many different integration approaches which could be sending tracking requests differently into the application and it is hard to write a comprehensive and complete guide on how to debug every single option. In case you have integrated PayPal buttons and these do not track please follow [PayPal button debugging article](https://support.q...

PayPal button

If you feel you did all the integration steps properly and also activated the PayPal IPN Handling plugin in your Post Affiliate Pro (Network) and you can't see any commission in your PAP then this article should help you. Required knowledge Lets first explain how the PayPal integration works in general. The whole point of the PayPal integration is to get the value of the PAPVisitorId cookie which was given to the customer after he/she has clicked some affiliate link and pass it to Post Affilia...

How to force processing of tracking requests

Please use this option ONLY in case you are debugging your tracking issues and can't wait for the request to be processed regularly by a CRON job. If you are debugging the tracking and you do not wish to wait for tracking requests to be processed you can follow this guide as Post Affiliate Pro allows you to force processing. Before you begin, please check the type of your Post Affiliate Pro account/license (old customers can still have standalone licenses). HOSTED (CLOUD) ACCOUNTS Host...

Filtering the event logs regarding sales-leads

When you are testing the sale/lead tracking of your Post Affiliate Pro (Network), then it is more effective to see only the essential logs concerned with the sale/lead tracking. In Post Affiliate Pro (Network) from version 5.x.x.x at Tools > Event logs you can choose from the 'search in' drop-down menu the "Sale debug" filter. That way you see only the sale/lead-related logs. In case of an earlier version of Post Affiliate Pro (network) at Tools > Event Logs you may click the 'Advanced...

