How to force processing of tracking requests

Please use this option ONLY in case you are debugging your tracking issues and can't wait for the request to be processed regularly by a CRON job.

If you are debugging the tracking and you do not wish to wait for tracking requests to be processed you can follow this guide as Post Affiliate Pro allows you to force processing. 
Before you begin, please check the type of your Post Affiliate Pro account/license (old customers can still have standalone licenses).


Hosted with us accounts (cloud accounts) always use cron job and it takes approx. 5 minutes for the tracking requests to be processed.

If you would like to manually trigger the processing, navigate to Emails > Mail outbox and click the "Send pending mails" button. It opens a window with "Pending Background Tasks" where you need to find the "Visit log processor" task and click the green "refresh" icon next to it (you can click a couple of times to be sure the task was processed):



If you are one of the "self-hosted" customers that have Post Affiliate Pro installed on your own server, please remember that if you are NOT using cron job then you should NOT do this.

If the application is set to use a cron job then it takes 2-3 cron job runs to process the tracking requests
You can find whether you are using a cron job in Tools > Integration > Cron job integration. If you get a message "Cron job is not running" then do NOT continue.
