Tracking settings


Main site URL Enter the URL of your website. It will be used to display the general affiliate link in the affiliate panel. It should be the site where some general information concerning your business is available. E.g. if you have a shop, this URL should link to your shop's index page. If you use some additional parameter in your link in order to make it work, then do not hesitate to use those variables in the link too... E.g. if your shop can be displayedonlyvia this link https://www.yoursite....

Redirect links

The main difference between Redirect links and other link types is that these links always point to your Post Affiliate Pro URL and include the affiliate variables, e.g.: https://URL_TO_PostAffiliatePro/scripts/click.php?a_aid=refid&a_bid=73d672s1 The click.php script creates a browser cookie in visitor's browser, registers a click to an affiliate with the particular refid and registers a per click commission (if defined) computed based on the campaign to which the banner identified by a_bid...

DirectLink tracking

The DirectLinks is an advanced feature that allows your affiliates to link directly from their website to your website without additional parameters in the URL. So for example, instead of: the affiliates can use only: in their website. This method requires to have a click tracking code inserted in the landing page. This method won't work with Facebook or Instagram. Facebook always posts for HTTP_REFERER value only...

New style links

This style of linking is very common, used at many sites at websites. It calls the parameters directly from the URL - the link looks like this: Explanation: your Post Affiliate Pro 4 (PAP4) can be installed at, your shop is at . The customer will not be redirected by clicking an affiliate link but will be directly taken to the exact URL. If you see a redirection in this type of tracking, then it is not goo...

Anchor links

This is the same tracking method as "New Style Links (" but with one difference which makes linking more powerful. These days, people like SEO optimized websites, SEO approach, SEO all... And this kind of link is the best one for SEO. They are even better than the links rewritten with MOD rewrite (.htaccess). The anchor links work the same way as "New Style Links (", but now the varia...

Mod Rewrite links

This kind of tracking is the hardest one to manage, but could result in good SEF (search engine friendly) links. If you are looking for SEF links, don't forget to check also ourDirect link tracking ( affiliate links ( First, you need to define your link form - pefix, separator, suffix. Then you have to generate the code for the .htaccess file, create this file at your server ...