Features and functions

CPM commissions per clicks

CPM (cost per mille) commissions per clicks are a special type of commissions that are rewarded for 1000 clicks, which means for clicking your banners 1000 times. If you would like to set CPM commissions for impressions (displaying your banners 1000 times), you need to use a different feature (https://support.qualityunit.com/875056-CPM-commissions). Activating the feature First, you need to activate the feature from your merchant panel under Configuration > Features. Search for the "CPM...

Membership subscription manager

If you want to charge your affiliates a [fee for joining](https://support.qualityunit.com/722215-How-can-I-charge-my-affiliates-a-signup-fee-) your affiliate program (to be able to promote your products/services and get commissions) and you need an option that automatically disallows affiliates from logging into their accounts if they did not pay a fee, you can use this feature. The membership subscription manager feature is a tool for keeping track of the membership payments of your affiliates...

Audit log

"Audit log" feature is a chronological set of records that provides documentary evidence of activities that have been undertaken by any user (a merchant or even an affiliate) in your Post Affiliate Pro merchant or affiliate panel. It can be very helpful since it will track and save any action which actually changes some information in your affiliate program. If you are using [Multiple Merchants feature](https://www.postaffiliatepro.com/features/multiple-merchant-admins/) (which allows you to hav...

Sending message from the list of sent emails

Anytime you send an email, the email is saved and you can send the same email message again, if you choose it from the list of sent emails (since version You can create templates this way - emails that you can send to your affiliates as reminders or special offers from time to time without a need of typing the entire email with all variables but minor changes again and again. Here is the example of a simple informative email which is being sent. When the mail is sent, click the lin...

Campaign matching algorithm

In case you use multiple campaigns in your Post Affiliate Pro (PAP), then it is highly recommended to understand how a campaign is recognized during various actions like saving of a click or saving of a commission. This is important mainly because you can have your campaigns set with different commission settings and if you don't set up your program correctly with full understanding how campaigns are selected during tracking you will most likely get unwanted results which might be hard to rec...

Lifetime referrals manager

This feature allows you to manage lifetime relations between your affiliates and customers created by our Lifetime Commissions (https://support.qualityunit.com/541587-Lifetime-commissions) plugin directly in your merchant panel interface. Activating the feature To activate this feature open your merchant panel, navigate to Configuration->Features->Lifetime referrals manager feature and click activate button next to it to activate it. (If you haven't purchased this feature yet you will...

Automatic affiliate activity checking

This feature is available in Post Affiliate Pro (https://postaffiliatepro.com) since version: This feature requires Cronjob (https://support.qualityunit.com/888288-What-is-the-Cron-job-for) to be configured for your Post Affiliate Pro installation. (All our hosted accounts have Cronjob working by default) It allows you to send automatic email notifications to inactive affiliates after defined number of days of inactivity and it also allows you to automatically decline or delete inact...

General callback URL

Post Affiliate Pro allows you to define a general callback URL that is executed after each tracked commission of type Sale or Action (https://support.qualityunit.com/131732-Action-Commissions). To configure the Callback URL, navigate in the merchant panel to Configuration > Tracking settings, and click on the Callback URL field in the Callback tracking section. A new window will appear where you can input the URL and its associated query string parameters (GET parameters). Post Affiliate Pro...

Asynchronous communication

In case of optimization many users prefer to use asynchronous scripts in their websites. As the default tracking code of Post Affiliate Pro 4 and Post Affiliate Network is javascript, we realize the need of asynchronous version of it. It is possible to use both the click tracking code and the sale tracking code (javascript versions) asynchronously. If you want to know how to change standard tracking codes to asynchronous code, see the article Asynchronous tracking scripts (https://support.qua...

Campaign Scheduler

Note: This feature is available since version This feature allows you to configure rules for campaigns. By these rules you can change campaign status to Active, Paused, Stopped automatically depends on time or commissions in campaign. **Activating the feature** Activate the feature in the Merchant panel> Configuration> Features> Campaign Scheduler, click the Activate button. After this, the feature is activate and in Edit campaign in section Campaign status is di...

Auto-Registering Affiliates

Note: This feature is available since version This feature allows you to use (non)affiliate e-mail address as an affiliate parameter in the sale/click tracking code. If the e-mail is not registered yet, a new affiliate account will be created automatically for the customer and they will get a notification about the registration only if they receive their first approved commission. Notifications about sales will be disabled for this affiliate once they log in to the affiliate panel ...

Affiliate Link Protector/Cloaker

Sometimes, when customers see the link has some affiliate code, they can remove it and follow only a simple link to prevent the affiliate to get his commission. You can protect your affiliate links using our Link Protector/Cloaker. For example, instead of the standard affiliate link: https://www.merchantsite.com/?a_aid=12345&a_bid=54321 you would use: https://www.yourdomain.com/myredir.html where myredir.html is the file generated by the cloaker, that will automatically redirect you to the or...

Using Product ID to select campaign

One of the most useful information in sales tracking (https://support.qualityunit.com/492724-General-sales--leads-tracking) is the product ID. You can use it to: - set different commissions for different products - save commissions only for chosen products (#Commissions only for chosen products) - track the product ID just as additional information about the order sale made on your website/e-shop To explain with an example: Whenever a visitor/customer clicks on an affiliate link or banner,...

Banners categories

Introduction Managing multiple banners can be more efficient by categorizing them into groups and sub-groups. The "Banners Categories" feature enables you to do this. Follow the steps below to activate and make use of this feature: 1. Activating Banners Categories Go to the merchant panel and navigate to Configuration > Features > Banners Categories > Activate. 2. Creating Categories To create or manage banner categories, go to Banners > Banners Categories. Clic...

Private campaigns

By default, all campaigns in Post Affiliate Pro are public, so all affiliates can view and promote them. Private campaigns allow you to create campaigns visible only to invited affiliates. Golden rule - do not use private campaigns if your sale aim is to give different commissions to different affiliates. In that case use Commission Groups (https://www.postaffiliatepro.com/features/commission-groups). - Why to use Private campaigns? (#why) - Feature activation (#activation) - Type...

Affiliate Sale Tracking Codes

The Affiliate Sale Tracking Codes (https://www.postaffiliatepro.com/features/custom-affiliate-tracking-code/) feature enables the affiliates to specify their postback URLs/pixels which should be called once they get a sale in your system. This is useful for affiliates who promote multiple different affiliate programs and they want all their commissions from all the affiliate programs tracked in one place (their own tracking platform) or for affiliates who would want to run their own affiliate pr...

Recurring commissions

Recurring commissions allow you to reward your affiliates for recurring payments for subscriptions like for example a hosting service or a membership. - How does the feature work (#overview) - "Accurate" and "dumb" mode of operation (#modes) - Feature activation and configuration (#activation) - Commission configuration in a campaign (#commission) - Do you need to use this feature? (#alternatives) How does the feature work When the feature is activated and configured in a ca...

Fixed cost

Fixed cost feature is a useful tool for those merchants who need to subtract something (taxes, shipping, special costs) from total cost and create commission from this value. E.g if you need to pay commission from total cost minus 19%, you will need to use fixed cost. How does it work: Fixed cost can be applied in sale tracking code OR set up directly in campaign settings, whichever method suits your needs better. * Campaign settings: You need to go to Start -> Campaigns -> Campai...

Mass pay export format

Define mass pay export format You can define export format for each payout option. Go to Configuration > Payout Options to see all payout options you have in your system. Select one and click the Edit icon. There is a Mass pay export format section at the bottom of the 'Edit payout option' window. Here you can specify the name and format of the mass pay export file for this payout option. When you pay click the 'Label as paid' button at Payouts > Pay affiliates you will be able to ...

Fraud protection

Sometimes, repeating transactions can occur when a customer refreshes the web page that contains click or sale tracking code. Post Affiliate Pro offers you a tool that will recognize these fraud transactions - Fraud Protection. You can find it in the merchant panel in Configuration > Fraud Protection. Fraud Protection settings are divided into the following four tabs: - Fraud Protection Against Clicks (https://support.qualityunit.com/012297-Fraud-protection#Clicks) - Fraud Protect...

Invoices and VAT handling

Invoices In Post Affiliate Pro you can generate invoices for your affiliates. You can automatically send the invoice via email right after paying the affiliates. To setup the invoice format navigate to Configuration> Invoice format. There is a default one already. You can use it, modify it or create your own design of the invoice. To enable the generation of invoices, you have to check the checkbox of "Generate invoices". You can use a lot of variables in the invoice by selecting them from t...

Dynamic links/Deeplinks

Dynamic links/Deeplinks are customized links that can be generated by affiliates in their panels. This feature serves to point customers to a different destination URL, other than that is already set up either as the Main site URL in Configuration > Tracking settings, or as a destination URL of any banner. This feature requires activating the "Support dynamic links / Deeplink generator" option in Configuration > Tracking Settings, otherwise affiliates won't be able to generate custom dyna...

SubID / Channels tracking

Post Affiliate Pro allows your affiliates to use advanced tracking of the traffic. This is sometimes called SubId tracking, or Ad channel tracking, and it is used to know exactly which of your promotion efforts pay off and which do not. Channels Channels are the most simple and powerful way to control your traffic. To use it, simply create a new channel for every link/banner placement you want. The channels can be created in affiliate panel in Promotion -> Ad channels. For example, y...

How does the affiliate tree work (tier commission)

Each affiliate in the software has his own downline, his own tree. You can have many different top affiliates who were not referred by anyone and directly signed up to your program. All of these would be building their own sub-affiliate tree. At the following example Marry is one of your top affiliates and this is her affiliate army: Commission Settings Let's say you have the following commissions set up in your campaign (https://support.qualityunit.com/773523-How-to-set-up-subaffiliate-mu...

Forced Matrix

A forced matrix is a system where there is a limit to the number of referrals any affiliate can refer. It makes sense to use this feature only in case you have defined multiple tier commissions. If you have just a single tier commission defined, it makes no sense to create a structure of your affiliates. Why should I push my affiliates into Matrix ? Main point is, that you want to keep in your affiliate program not just few best performing affiliates, but all the affiliates who ever registe...

Mail to friend

In order to have this feature work, you need to have the email functionality (https://support.qualityunit.com/250549-Mail-account) set up correctly! This feature allows affiliates to send Promo e-mails (banner type) directly from their panel. This feature can be activated in Configuration --> Features --> Mail to friend. You need to have some Promo e-mails created in Banners --> Banners manager --> Add banner -> Promo email. For more details regarding this type of banner, please...

Action Commissions

The Action Commissions feature allows you to define different CPA (cost per action) commissions. So, for example, a lead can be tracked as a 'lead' and not a 'sale' type of commission. This way you can define a specific commission for user registrations, downloads, visiting specific pages, etc. You can create an unlimited number of action commissions in each campaign, which gives you the ability to track virtually every visitor's move as long as you can integrate the pages (in which the parti...

Campaigns categories

Introduction Managing multiple campaigns can be more efficient by categorizing them into groups and sub-groups. The "Campaigns Categories" feature enables you to do this. Follow the steps below to activate and make use of this feature: 1. Activating Campaigns Categories Go to the merchant panel and navigate to Configuration > Features > Campaigns Categories > Activate. 2. Creating Categories To create or manage campaign categories, go to Campaigns > Campaigns Ca...

Payout fields encryption

The _Payout fields encryption_ feature encrypts all the affiliate payout data such as 'Bank account number', 'Bank name', ... If you activate this feature, these payout data won't be stored in the database in open form, but they will be AES encrypted. How to activate it: 1. Go to _Features_ -> find _Payout field encryption_, click Activate and and then _Yes_ when restart of application is requested 2. Go to Features again, find Payout field encryption and click Configure to set up an en...

Compressed commission placement model

Compressed commission placement model is based on Infinity Line Dynamic Compression Referral Placement Model. It allows you to set condition affiliates need to achieve to apply for their commissions. If an affiliate didn't achieve the condition in certain time period (last month or last week), than all their commissions would be declined or deleted. **How does it work** The feature has to be activated before it can be used. To activate it go to your merchant panel Configuration> Fe...

Branding Free

Branding Free is a special feature that allows you to change the links in the footer of panels and signup form of Post Affiliate Pro (Network) from "Powered by Post Affiliate Pro" to your own text and link. The feature has to be purchased and activated before it can be used. You can purchase it either at the time of purchase of PAP, or anytime later from the Features screen. To purchase and activate it go in your merchant panel to Configuration -> Features There click the Activate button n...

Built-in Google ReCaptcha feature

Introduction PostAffiliatePro's reCAPTCHA feature allows you to integrate reCAPTCHA functionality into your default merchant and affiliate signup process, protecting it from spam and automated abuse. Google reCAPTCHA is a security service provided by Google that helps protect websites from automated bots and spam by requiring users to prove they are human before submitting forms or accessing certain features. It is designed to differentiate between genuine users and malicious bots by presenti...

How to define another filter in Emails

First you have to go to in your merchant panel to Affiliates > Affiliate manager where you have to create a filter. Give it a name and save it. Now refresh the browser and you can use this filter when composing an email at _Emails > Send message_ and selecting the Recipients.

Multiple merchants (Administrators)

The multiple merchants feature allows you to have more than one merchant (administrator) who can access the Post Affiliate Pro installation. All merchants/administrators will have access to all campaigns of your installation. If you are looking for affiliate network functionality, when every merchant has his own campaigns, please visit our Post Affiliate Network (https://www.postaffiliatenetwork.com) web site. This feature is available only in the Ultimate and Network edition. Users of lower ed...

Multiple currencies

Multiple currencies feature allows you to track sales made in different currencies. This means that during the sale tracking process our software will recompute the cost of the tracked sale automatically to the default system currency (https://support.qualityunit.com/256064-Currency). It is important to understand that even with the Multiple currencies feature, you and all your affiliates will still see all your commissions in the system currency. This feature only allows you to register sales m...

CPM commissions (per impressions)

CPM (cost per mille) commissions are a special type of commissions that are rewarded for 1000 impressions (displaying your banners 1000 times). If you would like to set CPM commissions for CLICKS, you need to use a different feature (https://support.qualityunit.com/810054-CPM-commissions-per-clicks). Activating the feature First, you need to activate the feature from your merchant panel under Configuration > Features. Find the "CPM commissions" feature in the list and click the "Activat...