HubSpot user synchronization

The HubSpot user synchronization plugin allows you to create contacts in your HubSpot and add them to specific lists. The contacts are updated as fields of affiliates are updated. Contacts are removed from list if their status changes to one which is not allowed in the configuration and the contact can also be completely deleted when affiliate is deleted. You can activate and configure the plugin from your merchant panel Configuration->Plugins screen. API key - you must enter your HubSpot...

ActiveCampaign user synchronization

The ActiveCampaign user synchronization plugin allows you to create contacts in your ActiveCampaign lists for newly approved affiliates. Affiliate is added into the defined lists with the defined details on their first approval in your affiliate program. The affiliate's contact in ActiveCampaign can also be automatically removed once you delete an affiliate in Post Affiliate Pro. You can activate and configure the plugin from your merchant panel Configuration->Plugins screen. Under th...

Prohibit Commission If Affiliate Is Purchaser

Some merchants want to prevent affiliates from earning commission if the referring affiliate himself/herself is the purchaser. Most affiliate programs do not really care about this since purchase is a purchase and it is still referred by the affiliate even if it was done by the affiliate himself. If you still don't want to give such commissions you can use the plugin called "Prohibit Commission If Affiliate Is Purchaser" which allows you to set a custom commission (e.g. $0) that an affiliate sh...

Action commission for signup

This plugin allows you to create an action commission for the affiliate who has signed up. So basically it is a replacement for the default signup bonus functionality which you can find in your merchant panel under Configuration -> Affiliate signup -> Signup commissions -> Signup Bonus. To be able to use this plugin you need 'Action commissions' feature activated and an action commission created in one of your campaigns. Consult the Action Commissions guide (https://support.quality...

Auto response plus plugin configuration

After activating the Auto response plus plugin in your merchant panel and clicking the Configure button the Plugin configuration window appears. There are 5 fields and among these fields there are also: Remote Control eMail: <== Note: it must be the domain where the arp script is installed Owner Name: This is the login name of your Autoresponse plus control panel Rest of the fields come with help hint. This plugin is sending affiliate data by email to you...

Affiliate Campaigns Plugin

This plugin enables the _{$affiliatecampaigns} _ variable in the EMAIL templates. This variable will contain an associative array of all campaigns the particular affiliate can see, so all the public campaigns and Private Campaigns ( (in which affiliate is approved) which have some commission set up and which are not stopped. Here is an example of how you can use it in your emails: in these campaigns: {foreach from=$affili...

Aweber - Post Affiliate Pro Email Parser

To integrate Post Affiliate Pro with Aweber, you have to create a custom Email parser in Aweber, and enable the 'AWeber Autoresponder Integration' plugin in Post Affiliate Pro. To create a custom Email parser: Login to your Aweber account and navigate to 'My Lists' -> 'Email parser' in the top menu. Click on 'add new' Custom Parser at the botton of the page Fill the form exactly as in the screenshot below. Only the description can be changed. Then click 'Save'. NOTE: ...

QuickBooks export to IIF format

There is a plugin in Post Affiliate Pro 4 that allows you to export the payout history to IIF file format (QuickBooks). First, you have to activate the plugin, then refresh the application and then finally the button for export will appear in the Payouts history section of your merchant panel:

GeoIP Core - Map overlay report

GeoIP plugin is based on the free GeoIP database offered by MaxMind. You can turn on this plugin in your merchant panel at Configuration > Plugins by clicking the Activate button next to the GeoIP Core plugin. The plugin requires the GeoIP binary database (filename GeoLite2-City.mmdb) saved in your plugin directory (postaffiliatepro/plugins/GeoIp/). You can register and download the latest version of the GeoIp database from here: (Don't forg...

Sale tracking fraud protection

This plugin will disable the unauthorized creation of sales - using the MD5 hash checksum. All you need to do is to activate this plugin and set a "Secret key" in the plugin configuration. The checksum has to be computed in the sale tracking integration and passed in one of the data (data1 to data5) parameters ( Only sales with the correct checksum will be saved to Post Affiliate Pro. When editing the plugin configuration, y...

Top Level Affiliate Fixed Commission

_Top Level Affiliate Fixed Commission(TLAFC) _plugin allows you to setup fixed commission(in percentage) for the top level affiliate in sales. The _Commission Groups _feature has to be activated prior to activating _Top Level Affiliate Fixed Commission(TLAFC) _plugin. This plugin will override settings of your commission group settings. You can set the value of _Top Level Affiliate Fixed Commission_(TLAFC) in Commissions Groups settings. TLAFC default value is set to -1. This default val...

Lifetime commissions

This plugin enables lifetime referral tracking based on a unique customer identifier, such as email, passed in one of the custom data field parameters (data1 to data5) of your sale/action tracking code ( In all our integration methods that support Lifetime Commissions tracking, we save the unique customer identifier under the Data1 field. If you would like to know whether your integration method supports this plugin, you can ...

Top Level Affiliate Commission

Do not mistake this for Top Level Affiliate Fixed Commission ( The "Top level affiliate commission" plugin works the following way: - once you activate it, you can set in its configuration the % of the commission that should be assigned to the last tier (top affiliate) in a particular transaction. That percentage is calculated from the commission that is calculated based on the campaign's setting for the particular...

Affiliate panel - Home screen additional data

This plugin allows using additional data variables in the Affiliate Home screen (period_stats.stpl). This plugin is removed since version, all these variables are available without this plugin. All Time: allTimeClicks allTimeImpressions allTimeSales allTimeCommissions allTimeRefunds allTimeChargebacks allTimeActionCommissions First tier: allTimeCommissionsFirstTier todayCommissionsFirstTier thisMonthCommissionsFirstTier last30DaysCommissionsFirstTier Exampl...

Maximum Commissions Per Referral

In_ Configuration > Plugins _you can activate the "Maximum Commissions Per Referral" plugin. This plugin allows you to define maximum number of commissions which should be saved within a defined time frame per user (affiliate or customer). The plugin runs when a commission is being saved and based on your settings it allows the commission to save or not. In the main configuration of the plugin you can choose whether the plugin should check the maximum number of commissions per affiliate or ...

Rest Commissions

The feature has to be activated before it can be used. To activate it go in your merchant panel to Start -> Plugins Click the Activate or Buy button next to the Rest commissions. The use of Rest Commissions enables the dynamic flow of commission tiers to flow uphill and can be defined per campaign. For example, you would like to pay out a total commission of 15% on a sale by paying the referring affiliate (1st Tier) a 5% commission, paying the parent 5% (2nd Tier), and pay the final 5% to t...

Affiliate info in external page

About This plugin (available from version enables you to display affiliate details in any page by placing a simple script to the page. You can load affiliate name, email, photo and 5 data fields defined by you in the plugin configuration. The data fields loads values from affiliate fields defined by you in Configuration> Affiliate signup> Fields. How to use the plugin To display affiliate info in a page, simply place the following code to the page, with the proper parame...

Variable Tier Commissions

This plugin is useful if you want to reward the referring affiliate's upline with multi-tier commission (, but only if the affiliates in the upline are on a higher rank/level than their child affiliates. Additionally, you don't want to pay more in commissions than the highest rank commission, which is 30% in the example below. Let's consider that you'd have a few affiliate ranks like this: - Bronze -...