The multiple merchants feature allows you to have more than one merchant (administrator) who can access the Post Affiliate Pro installation. All merchants/administrators will have access to all campaigns of your installation. If you are looking for affiliate network functionality, when every merchant has his own campaigns, please visit our Post Affiliate Network web site.
Merchant roles
You can create different roles for the merchant users. For example some merchants can create & edit campaigns and banners, while others can only view them.
This kind of restrictions can be configured in roles. You can create unlimited number of roles with different sets of permissions, and each merchant must have a role defined.
What is not possible with roles
It is not possible to give merchant access only to some campaigns, or to some affiliates. Permissions are set on module, so if the merchant has the right to view campaigns, he will see all the campaigns.
This feature does not support restricting access to certain data, like campaigns, affiliates, commissions, etc.
Activating the feature
The feature has to be activated before it can be used. To activate it go in your merchant panel to Configuration -> Features
There click the Activate button next to the Multiple merchants feature.
After this, the feature is activated. Now you can create new merchants.
Adding a new merchant
You can manage and add merchants in your merchant panel at Tools -> Merchants.
There you can see the list of all merchants and add new by clicking on Add merchant button you can add new merchant user.
You should specify the merchants name, username & password, and a role. Role defines a set of permissions for the modules the merchant can access.
Default merchant
In Multiple merchant panel is possible to choose which merchant is default, by clicking on Set as default button in actions column. Detail informations about this merchant are displayed in affiliate panel in section: Affiliate Manager information.
Configuring the role
Roles can be configured in the merchant panel at Tools -> Roles. There is always one default role called Merchant that has all the privileges. You can create a new role by clicking the Clone
The next step is to edit the role:
We should keep only the read and export privileges in this role. Click Save button at the bottom of this page and it is done. You have created a new role with read only privileges.
If you want to assign this role to a merchant, you should open the merchant for editing and set this new role for him.