Performance rewards configuration

Performance rewards feature is a powerful feature that allows you to reward your affiliates based on their performance in your affiliate program. For example adding a bonus commission to affiliate when he reach specific number of referred sales, changing affiliate commission rates after he earns certain total value of commissions and many more...

Activating the feature

This feature has to be activated before it can be used. To activate it, open your merchant panel and go to Configuration -> Features. Click the Activate button next to the Performance rewards feature. Based on the Post Affiliate Pro plan/license you own, you may need to buy it first. It's not automatically included in all licenses/plans. When it's activated you will have to refresh your merchant panel in your browser. After that new sub-menu Performance rewards will be added to the campaign menu in your merchant panel. All created rules are listed here but you can also see and edit campaign-specific performance rules directly in your campaign configuration screen(Performance rewards tab).

How it works

Performance rewards feature allows you to define your own performance rewards rules. Then it also automatically checks defined performance rule conditions and execute defined rule action when these conditions are met. There are a lot of available conditions and actions you can use, all of them are explained in details in separate articles.

Available conditions are explained here.

Available actions are explained here.


Creating a performance reward rule

Open your merchant panel and navigate to Campaigns -> Performance rewards sub-menu and click on Add rule button there(visible on screenshot above). A new rule configuration window will open in which you will have to define campaign for which should be this rule applied, rule condition and rule action. When you define the rule click Add button at the bottom of rule configuration page to save your defined rule. On the screenshot bellow you can see rule configuration page with an example rule defined. This example rule automatically adds $10 bonus commission to affiliate if he directly refers more than 9 sales in actual calendar month in any campaign.

Difference between global and campaign specific rules

When you are creating performance reward rule you can define the rule to apply to one specific campaign only, or you can use Global Rule option in the Campaign field(visible on screenshot above).

Global rule option means that data from all your campaigns will be computed when checking the rule condition. For global rules, rule conditions will be checked when there is new data tracked in any of your campaigns. If rule is defined for specific campaign, the rule conditions are only checked when there is new data tracked for that specific campaign. Also only data tracked for this campaign will be used to check the rule conditions. If compute values from all campaigns check-box is checked in the rule conditions, data from all campaigns will be checked always.

Editing and removing existing rules

To edit or delete existing performance rewards rule open your merchant panel and navigate to Campaigns -> Performance rewards sub-menu. Here you can see a list of all existing rules. On the right side of the list there are two buttons. Edit button and Delete button.
