More exactly, it lists the affiliates and names of private (public with manual approval) campaigns the affiliates belong to.
<?php // the PapApi.class.php file can be downloaded from the merchant panel at: // Tools > Integration > API Integration > Download PAP API // This include assumes the PapApi.class.php file is in the same directory as this particular script. include 'PapApi.class.php'; $papURL="https://URL_TO_PostAffiliatePro"; //URL to PAP/PAN without trailing slash $session = new Pap_Api_Session($papURL."/scripts/server.php"); if(!@$session->login("", "kindOfPassword")) { die("Cannot login. Message: ".$session->getMessage()); } $request = new Gpf_Rpc_GridRequest("Pap_Features_Common_AffiliateCampaignsGrid", "getRows", $session); //sets limit to 30 rows, offset to 0 (start with first row) $request->setLimit(0, 30); //set sorting by campaign name $request->setSorting("campaignname", "sort_asc"); try { $request->sendNow(); } catch(Exception $e) { die("API call error: ".$e->getMessage()); } // request was successful, get the grid result $grid = $request->getGrid(); // get recordset from the grid $recordset = $grid->getRecordset(); // iterate through the records foreach($recordset as $rec) { echo 'Campaign Name: '.$rec->get('campaignname').' Affiliate name: '.$rec->get('firstname').' '.$rec->get('lastname').'<br>'; } //---------------------------------------------- // in case there are more than 30 records in total, // we should load and display the rest of the records // via the cycle below $totalRecords = $grid->getTotalCount(); $maxRecords = $recordset->getSize(); if ($maxRecords != 0) { $cycles = ceil($totalRecords / $maxRecords); for($i=1; $i<$cycles; $i++) { // now get next 30 records $request->setLimit($i * $maxRecords, $maxRecords); $request->sendNow(); $recordset = $request->getGrid()->getRecordset(); // iterate through the records foreach($recordset as $rec) { echo 'Campaign Name: '.$rec->get('campaignname').' Affiliate name: '.$rec->get('firstname').' '.$rec->get('lastname').'<br>'; } } } ?>
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