Here you can find some example plugins
This is example of plugin that can handle various affiliate actions like signup/profile update/save/delete. In default implementation, it writes log message into your Post Affiliate Pro logs about current action.
Possible scenarios, you can cover with this plugin:
  • new user signup (successful or fail - two different possibilities)
  • new user creation through API
  • new user creation through application (merchant panel)
  • user profile updated (through application - merchant or affiliate panel)
  • user profile updated through API
  • user was delete
Note: See plugin source and Readme.txt for concrete developer info
This is example of plugin that can handle various transaction actions. In default implementation, it writes log message into your Post Affiliate Pro logs about current action.
Possible scenarios, you can cover with this plugin:
  • new transaction was created
  • transaction status (or other parameter) was saved
Note: See plugin source and Readme.txt for concrete developer info
What can you do with it? Here we have one example of practical implementation:
External performance rewards plugin:
Description: This is external implementation of performance rewards, based on number of sub-affiliates.
With this plugin, you can set up extra bonus for recruiting certain number of sub-affiliates.
You can set up number of sub affiliates and amount of commission. There is only one condition, you must set-up referral commissions (1st tier is enough). 
How to install plugin?
Just download the sources and extract the archive to your Plugins directory in your Post Affiliate Pro installation.
Note: on *nix system, also appropriate settings should be set on extracted directory
After copy is complete, restart your merchant panel and plugin should appear in your Plugins list:
Click on Activate button. Plugin should become active. If it has some configuration options you can reach them by clicking on Config button in active plugins section:
All set! Your plugin is now fully configured and ready to use. Enjoy!