Billing details and VAT information

Entire billing process can be set up/modified via "My Account" section. So in fact you do not have to even contact our support
when you need to update invoicing email address or modify your current home address, everything could be handled by you.

While checkout or during the billing details change please make sure that you choose correct country. It depends a lot on it.
Clients from EU can use their VAT ID during billing process so they can get monthly pricing without VAT added. Price will be
calculated in euros automatically. Clients from non-EU countries will pay in dollars and without VAT added automatically.
Our billing processor will determine who pays in euros and who pays in dollars according to your data set in the billing form.

Would you like to know more about how to change billing details? Please click here

Note: Clients from Slovakia will pay monthly prices with VAT added automatically

What is VAT? The Value Added Tax, or VAT, in the European Union is a general, 
broadly based consumption tax assessed on the value added to goods and services. 
It applies more or less to all goods and services that are bought and sold for use or consumption in the European Union
