Languages and Regional settings description

The Languages and Regional settings menu allows you to change the language of your software, import/export language files, add or change specific translations of each imported language, and also define a custom date, time and number format.


Here you can find all the settings related to language files and translations. For detailed info please continue with this guide.


Regional settings

Each language in your Post Affiliate Pro account has its own date, time and number format defined. The regional settings tab allows you to define your own date, time and number format that will be used in your software instead of formats defined directly in the language files. You can also change the date, time and number format of a specific language file.


Server timezone

If you wish to adjust the server timezone used for API calls, you can do so in your Merchant panel --> Configuration --> Languages and Regional settings --> Time Zone settings and define the preferred timezone in the "Server time zone" field. The system will treat all dates and times saved in the database as if they were in this time zone. Timezone itself is not saved in the database and therefore when you change the server timezone here the dates and times for all already saved objects (commissions, clicks, affiliates, etc.) will move accordingly as well. So for example, if you should change the timezone from America/Los_Angeles to America/New_York the commission which was created 5 minutes ago will display as if it was created 3 hours into the future. Newly created commissions will display correctly.

If you change the server time zone, new dates will be saved in a new time zone. Old dates remain the same, but they will be shown differently according to the new timezone setting.

If you or you affiliate wish to adjust the panel timezone only, please, follow this article.
