How to prevent changing the default view in affiliate grids

If you do not want to allow your affiliates to change default views in their grids, you can do it by editing the affiliate panel theme

1. for all affiliate grids (by removing the 'views' widget):

in the Theme editor in the "Affiliate panel theme" find and edit: 'grid_topbuttons.tpl'
remove div "TopRightButtons" with widget id "views".

grid_topbuttons.tpl will look like this:
<!-- grid_topbuttons -->
<div class="TopLeftButtons">
    {widget id="ActionButtons"}
    {widget id="MassActionButtons"}

2. for all affiliate grids (by changing css style):

in Theme editor in "Affiliate panel theme" find and edit: 'custom.css':

add this code into it:
.TopRightButtons { 
  display: none; 

3. for certain affiliate grid

in Theme editor in "Affiliate panel theme" find and edit: 'custom.css':

add this code into it:
.CustomizeEditView .TopRightButtons { 
  display: none; 
and you have to add a grid widget of the certain affiliate grid into the div with class "CustomizeEditView":

e.g. for grid Commissions find a file 'transaction_list.tpl' in Theme editor
add a widget with name "grid" into div class="CustomizeEditView"
after the changes it should look like this:
<!-- transaction_list -->
{widget id="TransactionFilter"}
<div class="CustomizeEditView">
  {widget id="TransactionsGrid"}
Here you can see a list of all template filenames for all the affiliate grid screens:
Commissions - transaction_list.tpl
Channel stats report - channel_stats_panel.tpl
Payouts to me - payouts_to_affiliates.tpl
Raw Clicks - clicks_list.tpl
Subaffiliates sales - subaffiliate_sales_panel.tpl
Subaffiliate Sale Stats - subaffstats_list.tpl
Top referrer URL - topurl_list.tpl