1. for all affiliate grids (by removing the 'views' widget):
in the Theme editor in the "Affiliate panel theme" find and edit: 'grid_topbuttons.tpl'
remove div "TopRightButtons" with widget id "views".
grid_topbuttons.tpl will look like this:
<!-- grid_topbuttons --> <div class="TopLeftButtons"> {widget id="ActionButtons"} {widget id="MassActionButtons"} </div>
2. for all affiliate grids (by changing css style):
in Theme editor in "Affiliate panel theme" find and edit: 'custom.css':
add this code into it:
.TopRightButtons {
display: none;
3. for certain affiliate grid
in Theme editor in "Affiliate panel theme" find and edit: 'custom.css':
add this code into it:
.CustomizeEditView .TopRightButtons {
display: none;
and you have to add a grid widget of the certain affiliate grid into the div with class "CustomizeEditView":
e.g. for grid Commissions find a file 'transaction_list.tpl' in Theme editor
add a widget with name "grid" into div class="CustomizeEditView"
after the changes it should look like this:
<!-- transaction_list -->
{widget id="TransactionFilter"}
<div class="CustomizeEditView">
{widget id="TransactionsGrid"}
Commissions - transaction_list.tpl
Channel stats report - channel_stats_panel.tpl
Payouts to me - payouts_to_affiliates.tpl
Raw Clicks - clicks_list.tpl
Subaffiliates sales - subaffiliate_sales_panel.tpl
Subaffiliate Sale Stats - subaffstats_list.tpl
Top referrer URL - topurl_list.tpl