The "https://localhost/pap/affiliates/signup.php" part of the link is automatically generated by the system since it points to the built-in signup page of Post Affiliate Pro.
But what if the merchant uses the HTML form of the signup page (found in the merchant panel at Configuration > Affiliate signup > HTML signup) at a totally different URL, e.g. at ?
In that case, the merchant can use his own link by following the steps below:
1) in the merchant panel navigate to "Configuration > URL Parameter Names" and check what parameter is set for 'affiliate id/referral id':

Remember the particular parameter name ( in this example in the picture above it is: a_aid )
2) in the merchant panel at "Configuration > Design > Affiliate panel theme" click 'Edit them' on the currently active theme (in case a dialog pops up claiming to create a new theme, then read here) and look up the following file:
In this file you will need to change the following code:
{widget id="signupLink"}
for this one:
as you may notice, the url of is followed by "?a_aid={$refd}" where the a_aid is the URL parameter name we remembered from step no.1 and {$refid} is the variable which inside the templates of Post Affiliate Pro represents the affiliate's referral id.
After you made your changes and saved them by clicking the Save button in the signup_subaffiliates.tpl file you may check out your changes in the affiliate panel:
But what if the merchant uses the HTML form of the signup page (found in the merchant panel at Configuration > Affiliate signup > HTML signup) at a totally different URL, e.g. at ?
In that case, the merchant can use his own link by following the steps below:
1) in the merchant panel navigate to "Configuration > URL Parameter Names" and check what parameter is set for 'affiliate id/referral id':
Remember the particular parameter name ( in this example in the picture above it is: a_aid )
2) in the merchant panel at "Configuration > Design > Affiliate panel theme" click 'Edit them' on the currently active theme (in case a dialog pops up claiming to create a new theme, then read here) and look up the following file:
In this file you will need to change the following code:
{widget id="signupLink"}
for this one:
<a href="{$refid}">{$refid}</a>
as you may notice, the url of is followed by "?a_aid={$refd}" where the a_aid is the URL parameter name we remembered from step no.1 and {$refid} is the variable which inside the templates of Post Affiliate Pro represents the affiliate's referral id.
After you made your changes and saved them by clicking the Save button in the signup_subaffiliates.tpl file you may check out your changes in the affiliate panel: