
Grid object - this class handles requests to the list of affiliates. You can use it to search and filter in affiliates.


  • all methods are inherited from Gpf_Rpc_GridRequest class, check it's documentation.

  Example retrieving list of all affiliates
// get recordset with list of affiliates

$request = new Pap_Api_AffiliatesGrid($session);
//Filtering affiliate with username  - Filters are not mandatory
$request->addFilter('username', Gpf_Data_Filter::EQUALS, '');

// sets limit to 30 rows, offset to 0 (first row starts)
$request->setLimit(0, 30);

// sets columns, use it only if you want retrieve other as default columns
$request->addParam('columns', new Gpf_Rpc_Array(array(array('id'), array('refid'), array('userid'), 
array('username'), array('firstname'), array('lastname'), array('rstatus'), array('parentuserid'),
array('dateinserted'), array('salesCount'), array('clicksRaw'), array('clicksUnique'))));

// send request
try {
} catch(Exception $e) {
  die("API call error: ".$e->getMessage());

// request was successful, get the grid result
$grid = $request->getGrid();

// get recordset from the grid
$recordset = $grid->getRecordset();

// iterate through the records
foreach($recordset as $rec) {
  echo 'Affiliate userid: '.$rec->get('userid').', Affiliate name: '.$rec->get('firstname').' '.$rec->get('lastname').'<br>';

// in case there are more than 30 records in total,
// we should load and display the rest of the records
// via the cycle below

while ($recordset->getSize() == $request->getLimit()) {
    $recordset = $request->getGrid()->getRecordset();
    // iterate through the records
    foreach($recordset as $rec) {
        echo 'Affiliate userid: '.$rec->get('userid').', Affiliate name: '.$rec->get('firstname').' '.$rec->get('lastname').'<br>';

  Example of paging in older versions than

// loading next rows/paging in old versions

$totalRecords = $grid->getTotalCount();
$maxRecords = $recordset->getSize();
if ($maxRecords != 0) {
   $cycles = ceil($totalRecords / $maxRecords);
   for($i=1; $i<$cycles; $i++) {
      // now get next 30 records
      $request->setLimit($i * $maxRecords, $maxRecords);
      $recordset = $request->getGrid()->getRecordset();
      // iterate through the records
      foreach($recordset as $rec) {
	 echo 'Affiliate userid: '.$rec->get('userid').', Affiliate name: '.$rec->get('firstname').' '.$rec->get('lastname').'<br>';

NOTE: do not forget to login as merchant via API