Apple's Intelligent Tracking Prevention 2.0 and Post Affiliate Pro

With the introduction of Apple's Intelligent Tracking Prevention 2.0 for their Safari browser the owners of affiliate programs worry that their statistics might not be as accurate as before. While this might be true for some affiliate programs, for the most programs operating Post Affiliate Pro this doesn't really change anything. Let us however discuss the specifics. What ITP 2.0 actually does is that it prevents the creation of 3rd party cookies, this can affect how Post Affiliate Pro tracks ...

Why is PAPVisitorId cookie not overwritten using the "Overwrite cookie" option?

The Overwrite cookie option overwrites only the affiliate info stored in PAPVisitorId ( in the database of Post Affiliate Pro. So the value (32 or 40-character long string) of PAPVisitorId cookie in your browser and database of Post Affiliate Pro remains the same, but the affiliate info stored by it is changed if the particular customer clicks another affiliate link and a click is tracked. If there is a cron job running regarding your Post ...

Is there any difference between sale and lead tracking?

For sales and leads you can use the same code - sale tracking code. The difference is, that when you track a lead, there is no Total Cost. If you want to track leads, you should place the sale tracking code into the thankyou page that appears after successful form submission (e.g after signup). Note: If you use a sale tracking code to track a lead, in Post Affiliate Pro the transaction type will say "sale". In case you wish that to be changed, you should use the Action Commissions feature and...

What is the difference between unique and repeated clicks?

There are 2 types of clicks we track in Post Affiliate Pro: * Unique = when a customer clicks an affiliate link/banner for the very first time so basically when the customer is first identified and tied with some affiliate. * Repeated = all the other times when the already identified customer clicks any affiliate link or banner.

Is possible to register click only in case user stays on page more than 30 seconds ?

Yes, It is possible to customize click tracking code so, that the click will be registered after 30 seconds of staying on destination page. Example of such delayed click tracking code could be (with bold is marked change): <script id="pap_x2s6df8d" src="https://localhost/PostAffiliatePro/trunk/server/scripts/clickjs.php" type="text/javascript"> </script> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- setTimeout("papTrack()",30000); //--> </script> In this case we just add...

How to delete cookies

As you might know, after clicking an affiliate link Post Affiliate Pro creates its cookies. Our best affiliate software ( creates 1st party and 3rd party browser cookies, flash cookies and HTML5 local storage cookies. The cookies might be created for multiple domains, mainly the domains where you have Post Affiliate Pro click tracking codes placed, then your actual Post Affiliate Pro installation domain and the domain defined in Configura...

Is it possible to track channel(subid), data1 and data2 with replicated sites?

Unfortunately it is not possible, since there is no way, how to carry the URL parameters into the tracking script that is dynamically generated via the replicated site (so far it is not implemented). Another thing is, that even if it worked, there would be an issue about it concerning DirectLinks and SEO links.

Which integration method for PayPal should I use?

On the page and also in the merchant panel of Post Affiliate Pro at Tools>Integration>Sales/leads tracking you can find more integration methods for PayPal: - PayPal - PayPal (IPN and custom field used by other script) - PayPal (IPN used by other script) Which method to use? You need to look at the HTML source code of the PayPal button (form) you are using. Here is an example of a PayPal button (form) code: <form action="https://...

How does the tracking work?

1. You set up some campaigns ( and promo material ( and integrate your site/e-shop (where clicks, sales/leads are supposed to be tracked) with your click tracking ( code (unless standard links ( or replicated sites (https://support.quality...

Is it possible to track clicks/sales if my website (PAP installation) is on another domain than shop?

it's no problem if installation of Post Affiliate Pro is on another domain then shopping cart. Cookie will be created for domain where shop is located, so during sale tracking cookie with information about affiliate will be available for tracking script.

How to set Campaign/ProductID for a single PayPal button

If you want to pick the correct campaign for each PayPal button then simply add one line into PayPal button: <input type="hidden" name="item_number" value="Product1"> Then go to your merchant panel > campaign > pick the campaign that you want to assign this product > edit details > Product ID matching > insert the product number into this campaign - in this case it's the Product1 Now every time this PayPal button is used for purchase, PAP4 will pick this campaign fo...

Is it possible to track if somebody watched a video

Yes, it is. Online video players usually allow you to hook to various events using JavaScript. You can use this to trigger your sale/action tracking code and to track what you need, e.g. a completely watched video. You can find an example here: (

How to disable tracking of impressions?

If you do not wish to track impressions (, navigate in your merchant panel to Configuration > Banners & Links Formats. In the "Select Banner or Link" section, click on each format, remove the {$impression_track} variable from each format's code, and save the format. From now on the impression tracking script won't be included in links & banners generated in the affiliate panel. The already published links & banners on the websites...

Understanding Empty Referrer URLs

Introduction An empty referrer URL is not necessarily an issue. Several reasons may cause the referrer URL to be blank. This article will discuss the various scenarios that can lead to an empty referrer URL and provide a solution to include referrer information in certain situations. Reasons for an empty referrer URL The referrer URL may be empty when the end user: - Enters the site URL directly in the browser address bar. - Visits the site using a browser-maintained bookmark. ...

How to add the Click tracking code into a WordPress page?

There are 2 ways to go: 1) Inside WP Admin navigate to Appearance > Editor and look up the 'footer.php' file of your current theme. Click the 'footer.php' file, so that you see its code and right above the </body> tag in the code of 'footer.php' place the click tracking code ( Hit "Update File" 2) You can take use of the Post Affiliate Pro plugin developed for WordPress:

Postback, Callback, Piggyback, S2S, 3rd party tracking

The aim of this article is to help us and our customers identify which kind of 3rd party integration is the person who is contacting us interested in and will serve as a crossroad to different articles explaining these different approaches. No matter what term you use for this kind of tracking we can divide these 3rd party integration approaches to 4 groups: 1. Merchant who owns Post Affiliate Pro or Network is also an affiliate for some 3rd party and would like to promote offers from this 3...