Video Tutorials

Merchant Control Panel Tour

In this video I'll explain and click through basic forms of merchant control panel. I'll also show you how to navigate through main sections of application.

Affiliate Control Panel Tour

This video will help your affiliates better understand the Affiliate panel and quickly start promoting your program. Also newbies in affiliate marketing will see, that to become affiliate and start promoting your products with Post Affiliate Pro is easy without any complications or long learning curve. Affiliate Panel navigation video Transcript (auto-generated) 0:01 In this video, I want to tell you how to operate your control panel as an affiliate in the affiliate program. 0:08 After you l...

Walkthrough: Blue Aero Theme

You can switch Post Affiliate Pro user interface (affiliate panel or merchant panel) into Blue Aero Theme. It offers unique features, which are not possible to use in standard themes. This video will show you some of the features of this theme. **Video Transcript** I’m going to give you a quick tour of the Blue Aero theme for your merchant control panel. To change the default theme navigate to Panel settings and select Blue Aero theme. In this theme you can have multiple features opened a...

Copy Post Affiliate Pro to your server

Video will show you how to start with installation of Post Affiliate Pro. It describes how to copy files to your server using FTP client.

Post Affiliate Pro Installation Wizard

Installation wizard leads you through installation steps and help you to correctly setup Post Affiliate Pro on your server. Following video shows whole installation process of Post Affiliate Pro.

First steps after initial installation

After you finished Installation Wizard, you should do a few things, before you will go online with your affiliate program. In this video tutorial, I’ll show you what you should review right after installation of your Post Affiliate Pro. **Video Transcript** After you finished Installation Wizard, you should do a few things, before you will go online with your affiliate program. In this video tutorial, I’ll show you what you should review right after installation of your Post Affiliate Pro....

Initial configuration basics

Video will lead you through initial configuration settings of your affiliate program running on Post Affiliate Pro. **Video Transcript** The first step in setting up your affiliate program is to navigate to the Configuration section and start going through these configuration setups. If you’re US based company you don’t need to change anything in the Currency section. In the Languages section you can see all the languages loaded in the system. To import a new language, click on Import la...

Tracking settings

One of the key features of Post Affiliate Pro is the ability to do a special kind of tracking. In this video I'll show you how to choose the right affiliate linking method. **Video Transcript** One of the key features of Post Affiliate Pro is the ability to do a special kind of tracking. Navigate to Configuration and open Tracking Settings. Define your main site URL at the top. Configure tracking levels and go down to Affiliate linking method. Here you can set the style of affiliate li...

Email templates

Watch how easy is to customize email templates used in communication with your customers. With Post Affiliate Pro you can fully customize design of your email templates. **Video Transcript** Post Affiliate Pro sends out emails at different times. Navigate to Configuration and click on Email templates to edit templates for all emails that are automatically sent by the system. You can see the list of all email templates in the left section of the affiliate panel. Defaultly, the system is s...

Overview of Plugins and Features

Post Affiliate Pro can be extended with virtually unlimited number of features through a powerful plugin system. This video will show you how you can activate features or plugins in your account. **Video Transcript** Post Affiliate Pro can be extended with virtually unlimited number of features through a powerful plugin system. This video will show you how you can activate features or plugins in your account. Navigate to Features to see a list of all features. Features are extensions tha...

Adding and Changing Campaigns

Post Affiliate Pro allows you to track multiple campaigns with different settings in your affiliate program. This video will show you some basics about creating and editing campaigns. **Video Transcript** Post Affiliate Pro allows you to track multiple campaigns with different settings in your affiliate program. This video will show you some basics about creating and editing campaigns. If you navigate to campaigns and click on Overview, you can see some basics statistics here. In the ca...

Viewing and Editing Affiliate Data

In this short video you can review how to watch statistic data of specific affiliate, how to edit affiliate data or how to view tree of your affiliates. **VideoTranscript** You can manage each of your affiliates information in Affiliate Manager. This is the list of all your affiliates. You can edit, delete or add new affiliates manually here. This screen shows affiliates’ referral ID, name, email, status, parent and other data. You can edit this view by clicking on Edit view. If you cl...

Adding Banners and Links

When managing an affiliate program one of the most important things is to provide your affiliates creative types of banners and and text that can be used to promote your products and services. This video will show you how to add and edit banners. **Video Transcript** When managing an affiliate program one of the most important things is to provide your affiliates creative types of banners and and text that can be used to promote your products and services. This video will show you how to ...

Paying Affiliates

When it comes to pay affiliates, there is a system in place for showing you what needs to be paid. **Video Transcript** When it comes to pay affiliates, there is a system in place for showing you what needs to be paid. Navigate to Payouts. You can click Overview to see affiliate earnings waiting to be paid and payout statistics. List of all affiliate earnings waiting to be paid is shown in the Pay affiliates section. You can check to filter only affiliates that reached the minimum pay...

Direct Link URLs

Direct Link tracking is the most advanced, SEO-friendly tracking tool available on the affiliate software market. **Video Transcript** Direct Link tracking is the most advanced, SEO-friendly tracking tool available on the affiliate software market. The visitor referred through DirectLink is recognized by the HTTP REFERER information sent by the browser. It is the address of the page which referred the browser to the destination page. In short, when a visitor clicks a link on the affilia...

Viewing Affiliate Activity

Video will show you how to watch affiliate activity. **Video Transcript** To see how your affiliates are doing, navigate to Transactions where you can see an overview of overall commissions and sales. Navigate to the Clicks list section, where you can see all the clicks registered in your affiliate program. You can see the referrer url, date, IP address, country code of each click in this list. In the affiliate column see affiliates to whom are the clicks assigned. All the sales are sh...

Customizing the Affiliate Control Panel

Post Affiliate Pro creates a control panel for each affiliate. You can fully customize the menu and content of this panel. **Video Transcript** Post Affiliate Pro creates a control panel for each affiliate. You can fully customize the menu and content of this panel. To do so navigate to the Configuration section and click on Affiliate Panel icon. In the General Settings you can select a screen that will be displayed after affiliate login. You can also define here if the screen after logi...

Customizing the Affiliate Signup Form

There are multiple ways that you can have an affiliate signed up, but the easiest way is the signup form that is generated by Post Affiliate Pro. This video will show you how to customize the signup form. **Video Transcript** There are multiple ways that you can have an affiliate signed up, but the easiest way is the signup form that is generated by Post Affiliate Pro. To create a signup form, navigate to configuration and click on Affiliate signup. If signup form is disabled, affiliate...

Formatting Banners & Links

Video will show you how to simply change format of links and banners displayed to your affiliates. **Video Transcript** When an affiliate navigates to Promotion and clicks on Banners and Links in his affiliate panel, all banners and links available for him will display. By clicking on Get banner code the code of the banner or link will show and can be easily copied and pasted to another website. To change the structure of the generated code of banners and links navigate to Configuration...