Viewing and Editing Affiliate Data

In this short video you can review how to watch statistic data of specific affiliate, how to edit affiliate data or how to view tree of your affiliates.


You can manage each of your affiliates information in Affiliate Manager. This is the list of all your affiliates.

You can edit, delete or add new affiliates manually here.

This screen shows affiliates’ referral ID, name, email, status, parent and other data.

You can edit this view by clicking on Edit view. If you click on edit you will see personal information of the affiliate. Here you can also approve or decline the affiliate or change any info about him. An affiliate must be approved before he can log in to start promoting your products or services.

In the stats section you can check the performance of this affiliate. In the payouts section you can modify payout method and minimum payout option. See general affiliate link in the Tracking section.

The Mails section shows the list of emails that were sent to this affiliate.

In the Affiliate relations section you can see a tree that shows a relation of selected affiliate to his parents and his referred affiliates. Filter is applicable just on referred affiliates.

If you want to see a map that shows last 20 unique IP addresses from which an affiliate logged in navigate to the Logins History section. In Commission groups you can manage all user commission groups by clicking on commission group column.

Additionally you can Login to affiliate panel, Send signup confirmation email, Send new password request email or Send email to affiliate by clicking on these links in the upper right corner.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out via email to or start a live chat conversation on

Thanks for watching.
