But what if someone wishes to use a different logo in the mini-site?
The solution is easy:
<img src="{$programLogo}" class="LogoImage">
- Upload your new (desired) logo image to your server, so that it is available online via some URL.
- Create a new 'signup page' theme or modify your 'copy' of a default signup page theme at Configuration > Design > Signup page theme. Simply click "Edit theme" on one of the default themes (or on your copy of a default theme) and the system will prompt you to name the new theme and afterwards the 'Theme editor' will show up.
- In the 'Theme editor' look up the following file: header.stpl
and in that file find the following code: - In that code replace the {$programLogo} variable with the URL leading to your logo image.
- Save your changes and when you exit the 'Theme editor' click the "Set as default" button on the freshly created (modified) theme.