In PAP, the contents of affiliate panel is fully up to you. You  can build any menu structure you want, and even write your own contents or link to external pages.

The affiliate panel menu and contents can be managed in merchant panel in Configuration -> Affiliate panel  in Menu & screens tab.
This screen is divided into two parts. On the left you define your menu structure. On the right you have a choice of screens (pages) you can use, and you can add your own custom pages.

There are two types of contents you can add to the menu:

Custom pages

You can create your own pages for affiliate panel by merchant. It is something similar, but more powerful than old Resources section in PAP3.

Custom page is a page, whose HTML content you can create and edit. This way you can create new text informational pages, FAQs, or even video tutorials for your affiliates. These template pages can contains user variables similar as "Replicated sites" so you ca use here: 

{$firstname}, {$lastname}, {$username}, {$photo}, {$parentuserid}, {$refid}, {$data1}, ...

Another option is to create new "url page". This is a new menu item that opens your existing page in a new window or in an IFrame in the affiliate panel screen. This way you can add more advanced things, like PHP forms, reports, etc. In url is supported to use affiliate variable {$refid}

e.g.: url: https://my_own_page/pap/sites/{$refid}/ for affiliate with refid "testaff" opens url: https://my_own_page/pap/sites/testaff/

Predefined pages

these are pages like Home screen, Banners list, Campaigns list, etc. You just choose them and put them into the correct menu section.

You can edit also predefined pages. Each of them has a Title, Description and Icon that can be changed, as well as a page template. Some special pages, like Home allow you to edit more options.

If you want to change header data (icon, title, description) you have to use Save button in header part of edit window. 
