General Affiliate Link


What is General Affiliate Link?

General Affiliate Link is the link displayed to affiliates at the top of their affiliate panel.

It is defined by your settings in your merchant panel's Configuration->Tracking settings section, it takes the URL to which it points from the Main Site URL field and it uses the linking method selected there.

Normally if no other way of recognizing campaign during tracking this link would track under the campaign marked as default.


How to change it?

You can change the General Affiliate Link in your merchant panel Configuration->Tracking settings by changing the Main Site URL field or by changing the linking method selected there.

Another way to change the URL is via template main_header.tpl. First, you need to create a copy of your active theme if you haven't done one yet, and then you can search for the template file where you can replace the {widget id="generalAffiliateLink"} with whatever you'd like to.


How to remove it?

Create a copy of your active theme if you haven't done one yet, and then search for the file main_header.tpl where you can remove the <div class="FloatLeft">{widget id="generalAffiliateLink"}</div> and save the changes and set your theme as default for all your affiliates.


How to add another one?

Create a copy of your active theme if you haven't done one yet, and then search for the file main_header.tpl in which you should find the part with {widget id="generalAffiliateLink"}.

Have a look at Configuration->Tracking settings to see what linking method you are using and also look in Configuration->URL parameter names to get the correct parameter for affiliate ID. Or have a look at an existing General Affiliate Link in some affiliate panel to know how you should create another one.

Generally speaking to add a different URL to the existing one you would need to add the following code right to the {widget id="generalAffiliateLink"}, the example shows an Anchor link with a_aid as affiliate parameter name:

<br><a href="{$refid}" target="_blank" style="position:relative;left:158px;">{$refid}</a>

Save the changes and set your theme as default. The above code is just an example code without any description for the link and of course you can customize it anyway you want. In the code above the {$refid} will be automatically replaced with the affiliate's referral id when an affiliate is logged in his panel.
