How to create PayPal non-hosted non-encrypted buttons?

Please note that your PayPal buttons can't be integrated if they are hosted so you have to follow this guide to create non-hosted, non-encrypted buttons which can be integrated.

Step 1:
Log into your PayPal account and navigate to Merchant Services > Buy Now Buttons

Step 2: Fill the required fields with your own product name, currency, price etc. When you're finished, do no click on "Create Button", but instead click on "Step 2: Track inventory, profits & loss (optional)" in order to roll new options.

Step 3: Here you need to uncheck "Save button at PayPal". This will disable saving your button as hosted button. When you're finished, click on "Create Button"

Step 4: Now, in "Website" tab, you see encrypted PayPal button by default, therefore you have to click on "Remove code protection".

Step 5: Now you should see unencrypted code of your PayPal button. Click on select code and you can copy&paste it to your website. Now you have non-hosted and unencrypted PayPal button ready for integration with Post Affiliate Pro.