Using additional URL parameters (UTM parameters) in links/banners

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Occasionally, apart from the Post Affiliate Pro URL tracking parameters (by default a_aid, a_bid, data1, chan, etc.), customers need to track their own additional parameters, mostly Google Analytics UTM parameters. It is enough to simply add all the needed parameters to the Main site URL, banner's destination URL, or campaigns' additional URL parameters to automatically include them in generated links/banners.

Post Affiliate Pro URL parameters for affiliate, banner, and/or campaign are added automatically at the end of each link, it is not needed to add them manually before or after other custom URL parameters.

If you want to add additional tracking parameters to the general affiliate link, displayed in the header of the affiliate panel, navigate to Configuration > Tracking settings and adjust the Main site URL.


Additional parameters in banners' destination URL

If you want to add additional tracking parameters to any banner's destination URL, available in the affiliate panel under Promotion > Banners & Links, navigate to Banners > Banners manager, edit the banner of which destination URL you'd like to adjust, and rewrite its Destination URL.


This approach needs to have the "Support dynamic links / Deeplink generator" option activated in Configuration > Tracking Settings, otherwise affiliates won't be able to generate custom dynamic links/deeplinks.

If you want to automatically add additional tracking parameters to dynamic links/deeplinks that affiliates generate in their panels in Promotion > Advanced tools > Deeplink generator, navigate to Campaign > Campaign manager, edit a chosen campaign, and adjust its "Additional Url parameters for campaign".

Note that as affiliates are choosing the campaign in which a click on the generated dynamic link should be tracked, it is possible to set up different additional parameters for each campaign. If none campaign is chosen in the Deeplink generator, no additional parameters will be added.


As it is possible to also generate dynamic links directly from affiliates' panel > Promotion > Banners & Links, such dynamic links would contain both additional parameters of the banner's destination URL and Additional Url parameters set in the campaign into which the banner is assigned.
