By default all these banners are ordered in the panels of your affiliates by banner creation time and date. Newest banners are displayed first.
However it is possible for you to customize this order. For example if you have some specific banner that you want to be always displayed first to your affiliates.
When a banner or link is created in merchant panel->Banners->Banners manager it has it's order set as "0" by default. As a merchant you can view and change this order number for each of your banners directly in your Banners manager section. Click on the order number in the Order column next to your banner/link to edit it's value(see red arrow 1. on screenshot below). After you change the value a new button Save modified rows will appear under the banners list(red arrow 2.). Click on it to save the changes you made to your banner order numbers.
That is all. From now on all your banners and links will be displayed to affiliates in their affiliate panels based on defined banner order numbers. Banner with lowest order number will be displayed first.
If two or more banners have the same order number, their order will be decided by banner creation time and date again.
Another option of sorting banners for your affiliates is using our feature. Banner Categories