Customizing signup form and mini-site


Signup form and signup mini-site is probably the most often customized part of the affiliate program. You should change its look to match your website, and edit the texts to match the conditions of your program. Before customizing any default template, please create a copy of that theme (, because customized files of default themes will be overwritten during update to newer version of PAP. Signup form is a form where user can...

How can I change content of mini-site pages? (i.e. Home, FAQ, Tour)

The content of the affiliate mini-site pages can be changed by editing a Signup page theme. You can adjust colors of the page, change font, add own images or simply change the text. Please note, that customizing the theme requires a basic knowledge of HTML code and CSS. First, you need to create a copy of the theme which you want to use as it is not possible to customize the predefined themes. This is simply because the default themes are always overwritten during each update of Post Affiliate...

How to keep only login/signup forms on your mini-site

A lot of customers are asking how to remove/deactivate every page of the mini-site except for the login and signup forms. This requirement can be easily achieved with a simple JavaScript placed in the header of your mini-site which basically redirects the visitor to these forms regardless of the page he would like to reach. In your Merchant panel navigate to Configuration --> Design --> Signup page theme --> Edit the Active theme (create a copy if the panel prompts you) --> Search f...

How to display Terms and Conditions in different languages

In your Merchant panel navigate to Start -> Configuration -> Languages & Regional settings -> and click edit on the desired language * * * Choose the “Translation” tab * * * Click “Add custom translation” * * * When the “Add custom translation” window pops up, enter a custom unique identifier to the ‘Source message’ field and into the ‘Translation’ field insert the desired text to be displayed in the particular language. After ...

How to use different logo in the mini-site and affiliate login page?

The logo that you may upload in the merchant panel at Configuration > Design > Customize Logo (tab) > Logo and program name (section) is the one that appears in all of the pages of Post Affiliate Pro. But what if someone wishes to use a different logo in the mini-site? The solution is easy: <img src="{$programLogo}" class="LogoImage"> - Upload your new (desired) logo image to your server, so that it is available online via some URL. - Create a new 'signup page' them...

How to setup default language for list of countries

To setup default country in country list you have to modify it in merchant panel - just go to Configuration> Affiliate signup> Fields> find field for countries and edit it - here you can setup default country by clicking on an icon in the Actions:

How to change title of the Mini-Site

If you want to change the title of the mini-site, it means this: You will need to log in to your merchant panel, click Configuration > Design > Customize Logo and there you should find the Affiliate Program Name.

Available types of affiliate fields

Each affiliate profile field can be set a type and a status under "Configuration" > "Affiliate Signup" > "Fields". Below you can find more detailed explanation of the field types and statuses. Field type: - Textbox: is the classic input field which accepts simple short text. The content is limited to 255 characters. - Textarea: similar input like the textbox, however it accepts longer content - 65 535 characters. - Number: essentially a textbox however it accepts only numbers. - Checkbox...

Replace the blue image on the mini-site of Dash theme

A lot of customers are asking how to replace the default blue background image on mini-site pages in the Dash for signup theme: To replace this image directly from the merchant panel you will have to edit the actual theme ( When you are in the Theme Editor, enter the img/ directory and find the affiliates_bg.jpg file there: Use the 'Delete image' button and 'Change image' button and save your change. Go back out of the ...

Change meta tags of mini-site and signup page

If you want to change the meta tags of mini-site and signup page, then you can make the desired changes at: Configuration > Design > Signup page theme > click "Edit theme" on the active theme > look up: For minisite: static_page_includes.stpl For signup: panel_includes.stpl Example Let's say I wanted to change the title of the "FAQ" mini-site page. First of all, I would look up the static_page_includes.stpl file in my signup theme and comment out the following line: <...

How to redirect affiliate mini-site (affiliates/index.php) to your own url

If you want to redirect url: POSTAFFILIATEPRO_URL/affiliates/ to your own url, you can do it by changing template file: main_static_html_doc.stpl In Merchant Panel > Configuration > Design > Signup page theme > Edit theme > search file 'main_static_html_doc.stpl' add this code right below <head> tag (instead of write redirect url): <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> var filename = location.pathname.split('/').slice(-1...

How to add PayPal address to signup form

Go to Configuration> Payout Options> Edit PayPal. Find "Fields"section and press "Add field" button. This will do what you need. Setnew field code to e.g. pp_address and name to PayPal Address - you willneed to add this new translation source to your language and translateit. Then save it and you will see the new field in signup form.

How to change the Terms & Conditions window size in the affiliate signup

Usually the terms and conditions text is too wide and the prospective affiliate has to scroll down the Terms & Conditions text within the signup site. If you want to change the size of this window or display the entire text there without scrolling down the text, add following css style code into your signup theme. Go to Merchant panel > Configuration > Design > Signup page theme click Edit theme button. If this theme is original, it will create new theme for editing. Next, searchfile cu...

Resizing place for Logo image in Post Affiliate Pro

Since version 5.4.x.x this article has become a bit obsolete. The logo is now resized automatically to fit its container via max-width and max-height parameters of the classes listed below for different themes. So if you would want to increase the display size of the logo you would follow the article below and besides the steps listed there you would also change your values in max-width and max-height. Besides that you might need to do the changes also to .LALogoImage class. What if your logo...

How to set different default country in signup form?

If you want to change the default countryin your signup page, go to your merchant panel -> configuration-> Affiliate signup -> fields tab -> at Data 10 click on EditAvailable countries -> choose your default country by clicking on Dbutton

where to change the text in header "we are the company we are the company..."

Text "we are the company we are the company..." is located in template called header.stpl This file is located in your account theme directory. Signup themes are located in directory: \accounts\default1\themes\signup\[your theme]\header.stpl Just edit this file to change this text and save your changes back to your server.

How to change the text for help icon in signup form

If you want to change the help text in the question mark icon for the signup form (or anywhere else), you can do that directly in your language file. Navigate to Configuration> Languages and edit your language - find the text you want to modify (the search is case sensitive) and save the changes. That is all. When you refresh the signup form, the change should be visible immediately.

How to remove/edit Overview, FAQ, Tour, Join in Signup form

In order to remove theOverview, FAQ, Tour, Join menu items from the signup form and mini-site navigate in the merchant panel to_ Configuratoin > Design > Signup Page theme >_ click "Edit theme" on the currently active theme and find the following 2 theme files: topmenu_logged.stpl topmenu_notlogged.stpl In those files delete or comment the following lines: <li><a href="index.php">Overview</a></li><li><a href="faq.php">FAQ</a></li>...

Redirect affiliate after signup and logout.

Redirect affiliate after signup: If you want affiliate to be redirected to ANY site after the signup, go to Merchant panel > Configuration > Affiliate signup > After signup subtab. You can either write custom URL or use default web site - you can even edit the default web site template there by clicking Edit page template. If you use default web site template: 'post_signup_page.tpl', you can use these widgets for displaying affiliate details: Username: {widget id="username"} Fir...

HTML signup form

If you wish, you can embed the HTML code of your PostAffiliatePro signup form on your own website and allow visitors to signup as affiliates directly from your website. To do so, navigate to Configuration --> Affiliate signup --> HTML form tab. Here you can download the code of the signup form. You have 3 options which you can use: Simple HTML - Can redirect to different pages on success or error - Errors can be displayed only on the default signup form or using PHP on the erro...

Customizing mini-site

Mini-site is a set of static pages that could contain information about your affiliate program, FAQ, etc. Every page of mini-site is a single php file located in /affiliate/affiliates directory. In the default installation there are files: index.php - main index page of mini-site faq.php - page with Frequently Asked Questions tour.php - page where you can add tour about your program You can freely add, edit or remove any page from the mini-site. Editing page Before customizing...

Customizing signup form

There are two things to customize in signup form: - design/look managed by templates - contents - what fields should be displayed Changing the affiliate fields In the default installation, the affiliate has fields like Username (Email), First Name, Last Name, Web Url, Company name, Street, etc. You can change some of these fields, or add other fields that will gather other data. PAP allows you to define up to 25 fields that can be filled with additional affiliate information. To ...

How to set the page after signup

How to set URL of the page, where affiliates should be redirected after signup: - If you use the standard signup form, then go to Configuration>Affiliate signup>General and enter the page into field "Affiliate is redirected to this URL" - If you use your HTML form, then you should add into source of the form this line: <input type="hidden" name="successUrl" value="">

How to add help text for fields in signup form

The template for signup fields is in accounts\default1\themes\signup\_common_templates\signup_fields.tpl To add some additional text next to signup fields, follow these instructions and let me know it it worked for you properly: 1. Open the file, find filed you want to add comment and add this (here I am adding form for username): {widget id="username"}<div styl="display: block; float: left;">This will be your login name.</div> 2. to properly display at the site, you will need to ad...