The Banner Rotator is a special type of banner that can display a different image banner on each website visit.
When an affiliate inserts a rotator to their website it will display the banners that are selected in the rotator, so the visitor will see a different banner each time they visit the affiliate's website.

Activating the feature

The feature has to be activated before it can be used. To activate it navigate in your merchant panel to Configuration -> Features
There click the Activate button next to the Banner Rotator feature.
After this, the feature is activated and you will see the Rotator type of banner in the list of available banner types in the Banners Manager.


Creating a new banner rotator

Banner rotator can be created in the same way as the other banners. In your merchant panel navigate to Banners -> Banners manager and click the Add banner button.

In the banner creation screen define the Name of the banner and the Campaign to which the banner is going to be assigned.

After clicking on Create button the banner is saved and you'll get to the edit mode where you can add the actual banners that will be displayed using this rotator.

You can add new banners into the rotator by selecting them from the Select Banner drop-down menu, and clicking the Add To Rotator button.
The Rank field sets how often will this banner be displayed. If all banners have the same rank then they will be rotated equally.
The Publish banner on and Expire banner on options let you schedule the banner in the rotator, so it will start displaying only on the date defined in the Publish banner on field and it will keep displaying until the date defined in the Expire banner on field.

If you want to display some banners with higher probability than the others, you can edit the rank manually in the list of banners.

The table with the list of banners will give you also the numbers of clicks impressions and CTR (clickthrough ratio) for each banner in the rotator.

Now the rotator is created and an affiliate can use it on their pages. From the affiliate's point of view the rotator is just like any other banner, they can copy & paste the banner code to their page to get it displayed.
